When worlds collide: Young voices.
A short video created by Larissa Alves & Zoë Ansah for TEDxBrixton 2014.
Interview with John Bunker summer 2014
Video looking at John Bunker’s two solo exhibitions in July 2014 and his thoughts on collage.
My Showreel
This video is a compilation of my work from Sept 2013 to Feb 2014. The projects included are a mixture of commissions and personal projects that I have made in these period.
From interviews to observational footage, I'm engaged in these projects as researcher, photographer and editor.
William Tillyer - Against Nature.
A short video documenting William Tillyer’s retrospective exhibition, held at Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art (October 2013- February 2014).
Film commissioned by Bernard Jacobson Gallery.
Psoriasis: a visual ethnography project in Brazil.
Six short observational videos documenting the routine of five people who have psoriasis. Looking at emotional, social and structural issues related to the disease within different social classes in the city of São Paulo, Brazil.
Films commissioned by Ipsos Mori.
Urban Dwellers
This film is part of my research project entitled Searching for a place in the world: concepts of home in 21st London for my MA in Visual Anthropology at Goldsmiths University.
It looks at the concepts of home in London 21st century. By portraying four different homes and by questioning people about their concept of home – the film aims to depict something of the diversity of the metropolis and the politics of everyday life. The contrasts and intersections of the film reveal modes of life that may or may not meet in the Metropolis. But which co-exist together revealing the complexities of the urban space. See essay at http://www.larissa-alves.com/searchingforaplace
Anna Fiorentini promotional video
Video for Anna Fiorentini theatre and film school produced in collaboration with Caroline Schreiber and Michael Davies.
Streetscape promotional video
Video for Streetscape - a social enterprise who provides apprentices in gardening landscape for 18-25 years old.
Community Chain Gang at New Leaf
A short video documenting a volunteering day at the New Leaf railway garden.
The Great Wave mural
This self-reflexive short looks at the emotions of longing and missing in the life of four Brazilians in London. It speaks of absence, self-knowledge and migration. Saudade is a very strong word in Portuguese, and means longing for the homeland, longing for things and people that are far away from us.